It's 12:15:27 6 listeners (10 in peak):   SuTeKH - B2B6 SuTeKH - B2B6

180 | Mark Cooksey

Has 3 chart hits on RolandRadio. Rate Mark Cooksey's titles!
Related links for Mark Cooksey

Some random productions for which Mark Cooksey wrote the music

Potsworth & Co
Space Harrier
Potsworth & Co

Jingles Mark Cooksey did for RolandRadio

We have no jingles of Mark Cooksey yet. Get in contact and ask to do some!

We have 19 titles of Mark Cooksey (3 of them are chart titles)

The total playing time of all Mark Cooksey titles is 00:40:11.
Due to the low total playing time of less than one hour and thirty minutes, no artist-only show is possible yet.

# RRID Rating Last played Artist Title Duration
1 11192
2025-03-11 09:53:03 Mark Cooksey 1942 00:01:25 598
2 13415
2025-03-12 10:27:13 Mark Cooksey Airwolf 2 (High score) 00:01:05 605
3 13416
2025-03-12 15:23:22 Mark Cooksey Airwolf 2 (Ingame) 00:01:57 576
4 13417
2025-03-14 04:10:50 Mark Cooksey Airwolf 2 (Main menu) 00:04:22 608
5 12114
2025-03-12 20:14:35 Mark Cooksey Duet 00:03:02 593
6 11873
2025-03-12 12:26:17 Mark Cooksey Jackal 00:01:50 627
7 12115
2025-03-12 01:31:54 Mark Cooksey James Bond: Live And Let Die (Game Over) 00:01:34 615
8 12116
2025-03-15 02:15:40 Mark Cooksey James Bond: Live And Let Die (Title) 00:02:32 620
9 12268
2025-03-13 00:30:07 Mark Cooksey Overlander (Main Menu) 00:07:21 649
10 12269
2025-03-08 13:07:18 Mark Cooksey Overlander (Start Game) 00:00:11 558
11 12274
2025-03-13 16:59:32 Mark Cooksey Paperboy (Spanish release) 00:02:43 623
12 12117
2025-03-14 13:15:40 Mark Cooksey Potsworth & Co (Start Game) 00:00:11 615
13 12118
2025-03-15 11:58:33 Mark Cooksey Potsworth & Co (Title) 00:00:54 592
14 12119
2025-03-11 14:06:00 Mark Cooksey Ramparts (Theme 1) 00:03:54 577
15 12120
2025-03-13 08:32:25 Mark Cooksey Ramparts (Theme 2) 00:01:06 628
16 12472
2025-03-10 23:19:50 Mark Cooksey Space Harrier (Boss Theme 1) 00:01:15 632
17 12473
2025-03-03 20:23:33 Mark Cooksey Space Harrier (Boss Theme 2) 00:00:59 593
18 12474
2025-03-13 11:26:37 Mark Cooksey Space Harrier (Game Over) 00:01:19 671
19 12475
2025-03-11 00:20:27 Mark Cooksey Space Harrier (Ingame) 00:02:31 615
Total duration: 00:40:11  
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